Seeking Applications for Judge Coordinator Position

The Judge Coordinator position is up for renewal this spring, and the Board of Directors is seeking applications from all interested parties. Per the MCGC rule book:

The Board of Directors will hire an individual as Judge Coordinator for a term of two (2) years. Any individual interested in applying for the Judge Coordinator position must submit a letter consisting of his/her qualifications and intent by April 15th of an even numbered year, so that a person may be hired by May 1st.

An assignment fee will be paid to this position as set by the MCGC Board of Directors. Expenses incurred to fulfill the position will also be reimbursed. It is permissible for the Judge Coordinator to obtain assistance from one or more individuals to fulfill responsibilities.

The Judge Coordinator is responsible for a report at the Spring General Membership Meeting. Job responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

1. Judge Training: Arranging all judge training as per MCGJA training standards; notify judges of all training events and Field Day.

2. Judge Assignment: Hire and assign judges under guidelines set by MCGC; provide Treasurer with a payout, including Contest Directors and Tabulators, by the Sunday before every contest.

3. Judge Contracts: Have all judges contracted through MCGJA complete a W-9 before any payment is made; sending and receiving contracts from judges.

4. Judge Evaluations: Create an avenue for feedback for all directors to evaluate adjudicators. Consult and advise adjudicators with overwhelming negative feedback.

5. Member of the Review Board: The Review Board is the committee that evaluates units to ensure correct classification.

6. Advisor: Act as an advisor to the Board of Directors, especially in matters concerning judges or judging. The Judge Coordinator will also act as the judges’ liaison to the Board of Directors.

If interested, please send a letter of intent to and by the deadline established above. If you have any questions, they may be directed any member of the Board. We look forward to hearing from you!


Weekly Newsletter, 3/25/24


Weekly Newsletter, 3/18/24